It's pretty common for an Anime show to feature many countries and refer to various culture. Anime shows with vast story telling and interesting plot line sometime goes beyond Japan to feature other countries . As most of the anime shows that deals with fantasy or real incident have diversity in culture , caste , lifestyles , building structures , language and so on . We can notice from the start that most of the anime shows don't depend upon only Japanese culture . Some has London 19s styles , Greek mythology , Rome sculptures / building architects , so on .

Just like these , we looked into Anime shows to find if there are any hints about our country Nepal and to our surprise we found plenty of references / hints . In the list below , we will be listing all the anime shows that featured or hinted Nepal or anything related to Nepal .

        1. "Biraalo" Nepali word in My Hero Academia

Episode 28 2nd Season

One of the most hyped show after One Piece and Boruto , featured a Nepali word "बिरालो" which means cat in English . This made Nepali fans go wild on social media and various groups . But this word which is in fact Devanagari and has similar meaning in other language too. In episode 28 we saw Deku passing by a shop that has that "Biralo" word .

2. Nepali Rupees Note ( Currency ) in History's Greatest Disciple  Kenichi

 In one of the 5th OVA of 'Histoy's Greatest Disciple Kenichi' anime show , we saw Miu and her grandfather taking a journey to sharpen their martial arts skills . They stumble upon a unknown village ( though the name of the country or the place was not mentioned ) where villager's children were forced to do labor work by some bad guy groups . In return of rescuing their children villager offers Miu's grandfather some money which we can notice that it's a Nepali Rupees .

3. A shop stall with Nepali Flag in Rewrite

Rewrite Season 2
While moving into many glimpse of different shops and food stalls , we saw a stall with Nepal written in the top with big text and three flags on top of it . Though this show has not been watched by many people , few hardcore Nepali Otakus found this and went viral on Nepali Otaku community .

4. Nepal featured in D. Grayman


D. Grayman is an anime about supernatural things and mystic arts . And it's not a surprise that they featured Nepal cuz the show happens in real world timeline of late ADs and it shows the main protagonist of the this show trying to go to Tibet by crossing mighty Himalayas of Nepal. Nepal is considered to be the country of temples and full of mystic arts , taking these in consideration we might be able to see our country featured in other Animes soon as they already did with Dr. Strange ( MCU movie ) .

5. Khukuri Knives in Animes

The kukri or khukuri is a knife, originating from the Indian subcontinent, associated with the Nepali speaking Gurkhas of Nepal . The knife has an inwardly curved blade, similar to a machete, used as both a tool and as a weapon in the Indian subcontinent. As known for it's use by brave Gurkhas , it's not a surpise that anime/manga artist take this weapon in their story .

Khukuri Knives used by Helmeppo in One Piece

Shenhua from Black Lagoon