'Captain Marvel' is one of the 21th installment of Marvel Cinematic Universe franchise . Set in 1995, the story follows Danvers as she becomes Captain Marvel after the Earth is caught in the center of a galactic conflict between two alien worlds.

This movie along with other two upcoming Marvel movies were the most awaited movie of all time . And Nepal was not an exception as there are many Marvel & DC Comics fan in Nepali Community , especially teenagers . After the official statement by movie distributor who is responsible for past and future release of Marvel movies in Nepali theater , saying " the movie won't be coming and is cancelled " .  This statement brought chaos in both social medias and among Nepali Marvel/DC fandom community . Thousands of people started messaging their Movie theaters only to hear disappointing responds . Even some of the movie theaters were not aware of this and when fans started messaging them about the current situation , they removed the 'Captain Marvel' poster which was on their online site for ticket booking .

 So , what was the reason ? Why was the movie cancelled at the end ?

It was confirmed by @moviemandu , that the reason behind cancellation of movie 'Captain Marvel' was because of the Nepali movie  "Captain" . "Captain" is a sport based Nepali movie featuring Anmol KC and the release date for the movie was near to "Captain Marvel" movie . Fearing that the movie will confuse the viewers with foreign movie "Captain Marvel" and won't make enough box office , the movie distributor who is responsible for handling both movie , cancelled the "Captain Marvel " movie . As far as we know , the movie won't be coming soon until they decide to do something with Nepali movie "Captain" . Also , if you are getting confuse about the other upcoming Marvel movies then don't get worried . The other movies will definitely make it to Nepali theater . As for 'Captain Marvel' movie , we can't say much . Let's wait and see , what happens ? XD

There are many theories made by desperate Nepali fans which was pointed by by @moviemandu here